accord Mové


Exponential Innovation

Accord Move Group holds six companies solving complex and substantial problems in Healthcare and Data Science Industry. We strongly believe that innovation is the key to unlock the exponential value and all of our companies possess it. We are here to make a strong impact in Healthcare and Data Science Industry.

Accordmove Group

Our Companies Portfolio

Cario Growth

Cario Growth Services Pvt Ltd is a Data Science Company focused on solving the challenges of Career Forecasting using accurate data metrics

Sphere Sight

Sphere Sight Pvt Ltd is a Healthcare Company solving complex healthcare challenges like prevention & treatment of Myopia, building diagnostic devices for Doctors in the Anterior Segment evaluation


When we have abundant data, we must use the Data towards Education and Training. Piechips is a Data Science Company making us to rethink the way we learn!

Data company Accordmove

Solvure Data

Solvure Data is a Data Science company focused to provide best Data analytical solutions in various Industries which have abundant Data and are yet to figure out on how to use them effectively

Sphere Sight Pharma


PharRx is a Healthcare Company focused on identifying novel drug delivery methods and supports the pharmacological companies in utilizing nextgen drug creation AI models


CLA Health Records

CLA Health Records is a Healthcare infused Data Science Company that carters to identify and solve Healthcare’s biggest Patient Data Challenges

Accord move group

Accord Mové

The Future of Healthcare and DataScience industry is dependent on novel innovations from the Scientists, researchers, Doctors, Data Analysts, Optometrists and Educationists in our companies and our partners across the globe in various industries and academia. We take this moment to thank them for their endless dedication and passion towards building a better future.


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can serve you.